Pedagogical Discourse <p>Collection of scientific papers «Pedagogical Discourse» contains the articles of theoretical and experimental character on the topical problems of theory and history of pedagogics, school organization and management, methods of teaching, upbringing and career guidance of students in educational establishments and out-of-school institutions, theory and methods of education management, professional formation of students, pedagogical practice, comparative pedagogics, social pedagogics, continuing pedagogical education, etc.</p> en-US (Shorobura І.М.) (Usenko Pavel) Sat, 30 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0200 OJS 60 Formation of Pedagogical Skills of Future Teachers of Physical Culture in Classes on Sports Games <p><em>The article explores the theoretical foundations of the formation of pedagogical skills of future physical education teachers. The aim is to reveal the content of the formation of pedagogical skills of future physical education teachers in sports games classes at the Khmelnytsky Humanitarian and Pedagogical Academy (KHPA). To solve the tasks set, we used general scientific and special research methods: theoretical analysis of educational and scientific literature; observation method; comparative method; comparative method; problem-oriented method. Results. It was established that the current model of the formation of pedagogical skills of future physical education teachers at the KhPA is focused on ensuring the comprehensive development of specialists, where theoretical knowledge is combined with practical skills and abilities, and the educational process is aimed at the formation of competencies that ensure the competitiveness of graduates in the labor market. The formation of theoretical knowledge and professional competencies of future physical education teachers at KhGPA occurs through the study of educational blocks in the following disciplines: pedagogy, psychology, morphofunctional and metabolic foundations of physical education, theory and methodology of physical education, inclusive physical education of schoolchildren. The relationship between theoretical and practical training of future physical education teachers at KhGPA is carried out in practical classes by conducting part of the class. In the formation of pedagogical skills of future physical education teachers, a significant place is given to the practical component, which provides for seven types of practice. Sports games classes most effectively allow developing the necessary professional skills, because it is in sports games classes that situations most often arise that require prompt, professional and correct intervention by the teacher. Sports and outdoor games for schoolchildren are an integral part of the educational process, therefore, an important place in the training of future physical education teachers is given to the formation of skills in organizing this type of activity.</em></p> Oleksandr Mozolev, Maryna Khmara Copyright (c) 2024 Pedagogical Discourse Tue, 17 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0300 Inclusiveness in Higher Education: Key Ideas, Challenges and Barriers <p><em>The idea of inclusiveness in the educational practice of training future specialists in Ukraine gained popularity only at the beginning of the 21st century. It is still at the stage of conceptual, regulatory and institutional consolidation. The need to transform higher education in the direction of implementing the principles of inclusion is caused by global changes in Ukrainian society, which initiate its humanization and large-scale integration of leading scientific achievements into educational practice. The integration of «special</em><em>»</em><em> students into higher education institutions is a natural stage in the development of the higher education system of Ukraine, which declares equal opportunities for all students to obtain an education. Inclusive education is an integrative unit of social space, which consists of a set of system structural components and blocks that determine the specifics of its content. The content of education within the scope of inclusion is implemented in a format accessible to each participant. The study of the essence of the inclusive educational environment of higher education institutions made it possible to assume that it has both general characteristics: organization, length in time and space, content and structure, and specific ones: accessibility, polysubjectivity, barrier-free, variability (content, temporal, organizational). The set of barriers that students with special needs face when enrolling in higher education institutions (physical, spatial, informational, communicative, etc.) is specified. It is emphasized that the effective implementation of inclusive education is possible under the conditions of social understanding of disability, where awareness of the problems of physical health of a person depends on the level of development of society.</em> <em>It is determined that the introduction of inclusive education into the higher education system should become a long-term strategy for its transformation. The vector of inclusiveness should implement a systemic approach to the organization of the educational process, in which various subjects participate. Their actions should be based on interaction, cooperation, mutual understanding, which will ultimately contribute to improving the quality and efficiency of the educational process. In general, inclusion in higher education is interpreted as a specially organized system of spatial, material and technical, educational and methodological means of learning, which covers a set of interdependent processes and allows each student (normotypical and with special educational needs) to take full part in the educational process of higher education.</em></p> Nataliya Dub Copyright (c) 2024 Pedagogical Discourse Fri, 27 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0300 Organizational and Pedagogical Conditions and Structural and Functional Model of Forming the Corporate Culture of Future Officers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Using Pedagogical Technologies <p><em>The article focuses on the relevance of using pedagogical technologies in the field of education, in particular in the educational process of higher military educational institutions through the prism of forming the corporate culture of future officers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. In accordance with the set goal (identification and justification of the essence of organizational and pedagogical conditions and structural and functional model of forming the corporate culture of future officers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine), a conceptual analysis of the categories </em><em>«</em><em>organizational and pedagogical conditions</em><em>»</em><em>, </em><em>«</em><em>structural and functional model</em><em>»</em><em> is carried out. The essence of the definition </em><em>«</em><em>organizational and pedagogical conditions of forming the corporate culture of future officers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine by means of pedagogical technologies</em><em>»</em><em> is generalized. A number of dissertation studies, monographic publications, publications in scientific professional publications of researchers on the problem of determining organizational and pedagogical conditions in the educational process of higher military educational institutions were analyzed, the most effective organizational and pedagogical conditions for improving the quality of forming the corporate culture of future officers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine by means of pedagogical technologies were identified. Based on the analysis of regulatory documents in the field of military education, it was proven that the content of organizational and pedagogical conditions for forming the corporate culture of future officers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine by means of pedagogical technologies requires substantiation and detailed analysis. In order to identify the most effective pedagogical conditions for forming the corporate culture of future officers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, an expert survey was conducted. A structural and functional model of forming the corporate culture of future officers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which consists of five blocks, was developed and substantiated. The essence, structure and goals of each block were revealed. It is concluded that the implementation of a structural and functional model of forming the corporate culture of future officers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine by means of pedagogical technologies in compliance with organizational and pedagogical conditions will allow to improve the quality of forming the corporate culture of future officers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine by means of pedagogical technologies.</em></p> Volodymyr Seliuk Copyright (c) 2024 Pedagogical Discourse Fri, 27 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0300 Development of Popular Education in the Podillia Governorate at the Turn of the 19th and 20th Centuries: From Parish Schools to Zemstvo Schools <p><em>The development of education in Ukraine during the 19th century was deeply influenced by the socio-political changes within the Russian Empire, of which Ukraine was a part. This article explores the impact of educational reforms, particularly the reforms of 1803 and 1864, which significantly expanded the network of primary and secondary schools throughout the region. Despite these advancements, many educational institutions continued to operate with outdated curricula, relying on traditional teaching methods, and often suffered from inadequate resources, which hindered the quality of education.</em></p> <p><em>Focusing on the Podolia Governorate as a case study, the article analyzes the role of parish schools, which became the primary educational institutions in rural areas. These schools, though widespread, faced numerous challenges, such as a shortage of qualified teachers, insufficient funding, and lack of proper infrastructure and teaching materials. As a result, the effectiveness of these institutions in providing quality education was often limited.</em></p> <p><em>The article also examines the emergence of literacy schools in the mid-19th century. Although their scope was limited, these schools played a vital role in promoting basic literacy among the rural population, where formal schools were scarce. Their development was crucial in increasing educational access in remote areas, providing essential skills to the populace.</em></p> <p><em>Furthermore, the article addresses the establishment of zemstvo schools following the 1911 reform. These schools were part of a broader movement aimed at decentralizing education and improving its accessibility, particularly in rural regions. Zemstvo schools were an important step towards modernizing the Ukrainian education system and contributed to the formation of a more structured and comprehensive educational framework.</em></p> <p><em>By analyzing these stages of educational reform, the article illustrates both the progress and challenges faced by Ukraine's education system in the 19th century. Despite the numerous obstacles, these reforms laid the groundwork for the future development of modern education in Ukraine, offering valuable insights into the interplay between socio-political changes and educational transformation.</em></p> Tetiana Zuziak Copyright (c) 2024 Pedagogical Discourse Tue, 01 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0300 Pedagogical Conditions of Adaptive Physical Training of Injured Military Servants <p><em>The article is devoted to the analysis of the experience and practical examples of adaptive physical training of the military, in particular, wounded during combat operations. The relevance of the problem of adaptive physical training is due not only to the significant number of wounded military personnel, but also to the need to create effective methods that allow restoring not only physical, but also psychological resources of the individual. Existing approaches to physical rehabilitation are largely focused on the general principles of rehabilitation, however, adaptation to specific injuries and wounds requires individualized and comprehensive programs. Military injuries can vary from minor injuries to serious injuries, such as loss of a limb, spinal cord injury, traumatic brain injury, which require not only medical, but also pedagogical efforts to restore their physical capabilities.</em></p> <p><em>Methodological approaches to the organization of adaptive physical training should be based on the principles of individualization and progressiveness. Selection and correction of exercises for different categories of wounded is the basis for creating effective rehabilitation programs. An important condition is to take into account the type of injury, physical capabilities and psychological state of the soldier. Successful adaptive physical training programs in Ukraine and abroad are considered, which contribute to the restoration of physical capabilities and improvement of the psychological state of military personnel. The impact of such programs on functional recovery, as well as the positive effect of psychological rehabilitation for the military, are described. The responses of rehabilitation program participants were analyzed and the problems and prospects for the development of adaptive physical training were identified. The importance of integrating innovative technologies, new methods, and a multidisciplinary approach to create effective adaptation and rehabilitation programs was emphasized. The main problems, such as shortcomings in existing programs and resource limitations, were identified that need to be taken into account to improve adaptive physical training for the military.</em></p> Viktor Shynkaruk Copyright (c) 2024 Pedagogical Discourse Thu, 31 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0200 Activation of Neurogenesis as a Prerequisite for Intensifying the Process of Learning Foreign Languages in a Non-Linguistic Environment <p><em>The article examines the problem of activation of neurogenesis as a prerequisite for the intensification of the process of learning foreign languages in a non-linguistic environment. The foundation of the research was neurogenesis phenomenon as a multi-stage process of the formation of new nerve cells and associative relationships between them in the central nervous system, namely in the neocortex, which is considered to be its adaptive function. The conducted research made it possible to come to the following conclusions: 1) neurogenesis in the neocortex is such a psychophysiological phenomenon that ensures the mental development of a person in general sense and mastering a foreign language in particular; 2) neurogenesis in the preschool-age children is the most active process due to the presence of the largest number of genetically derived neurons. In the process of their activation and unification, as a result of the plasticity of the neurostructures of the cerebral cortex, the rapid development of children and the possibility of their successful learning a foreign language take place. But it occurs under the condition that training is carried out on the basis of mastering an interesting activity for the children conducted in a foreign language; 3) activation of neurogenesis in children of different age groups: of primary school age is achieved on the basis of intuitive mastering of linguistic phenomena in the process of topical speaking in a foreign language; of middle and high school age is achieved on the basis of conscious mastering linguistic phenomena in the process of movement gaming and the formation of a foreign language dynamic stereotype; 4) the activation of neurogenesis in students is achieved on the basis of their integrated mastering a professional subject and a foreign language as a means of learning it. Intensification of brain activity is provided by the formation of neural connections between different content units; and the availability of such activities for the majority of students is provided by the didactic stages of the integrated learning process; linguistic-conceptual, subject-speech and subject-activity.</em></p> Raisa Martynova Copyright (c) 2024 Pedagogical Discourse Fri, 01 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0200 Educational Motivation and Self-Efficacy as Factors in the Formation of Academic Success of Students <p><em>The problem of the formation and development of educational motives in the study of professional disciplines has become more and more relevant in recent years, as more and more often researchers point to the decrease in the effectiveness of traditional education in institutions of higher education, especially in the conditions of war in Ukraine. In the course of our research, it was established that educational motivation is one of the main factors in increasing academic success and forming the self-efficacy of education seekers - students in the process of professional education.</em></p> <p><em>As a result, a decrease in educational motivation leads to the insufficient formation of professionally significant competencies and skills, in particular, self-organization, responsibility, and the ability to self-directed learning. Therefore, the formation and development of educational motivation of education seekers is among the most important tasks in terms of increasing academic success and the overall effectiveness of education. The structure of educational motivation and the dominant motives of educational and cognitive activity significantly affect the general academic success and cognitive activity of students during classroom training and their attitude to independent (individual) work. The teacher is faced with the task of developing a system of didactic methods and tools for creating an environment conducive to learning and forming the educational motivation of students.</em></p> <p><em>Researchers note that the student's motivational sphere in the process of obtaining an education is quite dynamic and flexible, and is determined by various social influences in a specific historical environment. Therefore, the teacher has the opportunity to choose and model various didactic tools for the development of educational motivation of students in the process of studying professional engineering and psychological-pedagogical disciplines.</em></p> Galyna Kovalchuk, Yaroslav Semyonov Copyright (c) 2024 Pedagogical Discourse Fri, 22 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0200 Digital Competencies of Managers and Lawyers: Their Significance and Prospects in the Current Context <p><em>The article deals with the study of the effectiveness of managers and lawyers in the context of rapid digital transformation of society. The theoretical and methodological aspects of the concept of </em><em>«</em><em>professional effectiveness</em><em>» </em><em>are analyzed, which is considered in the context of modern requirements for professional competence. Particular attention is paid to the relationship between the concepts of </em><em>«</em><em>competence</em><em>»</em><em> and </em><em>«</em><em>competency”, where the former is defined as the potential for learning, and the latter as the result of acquiring knowledge and skills. Various approaches to defining professional competence are explored. In particular, the importance of professional identity, ethics, competitiveness, the desire for scientific improvement, and motivation for continuing education are emphasized. The authors emphasize that in the post-industrial stage of societal development, there is a transition from qualification assessment to competence assessment, which reflects a change in the requirements for professionalism.</em></p> <p><em>A key aspect of the research is the impact of digital technologies on the formation of professional competencies of managers and lawyers. The authors note that digital skills are becoming an integral part of professional activity, and intensive technological progress creates new digital needs and competencies. Considering legal education as an environment for the formation of a new generation of lawyers, the authors emphasize the need to take into account the processes of digitalization in the educational process. Digital competencies of a lawyer are considered as a basic set of knowledge, abilities, and skills necessary for successful professional activity in the modern world. &nbsp; </em></p> <p><em>The manifestations of the combination of competencies of a lawyer and a manager, especially in the context of small business, where there is often a need for universal specialists with both legal and managerial knowledge, are analyzed. Digital skills of managers as an important condition for the development of the future economy are also considered. Key aspects of IT training, such as digital literacy, cybersecurity, creativity, adaptability, communication, and emotional intelligence, are highlighted. Significant attention in the article is paid to the impact of digitalization on the legal field, in particular the automation of routine tasks and the virtualization of legal services. Various interpretations of the concept of digitalization of jurisprudence are presented. At the same time, the authors warn against the potential negative consequences of excessive automation, such as the devaluation of the human component in the profession and the decrease in public trust in law. The need to maintain a balance between technological and human factors in legal activity is emphasized.</em></p> <p><em>The inevitability and generally positive impact of digitalization on the professional activity of managers and lawyers are emphasized, but the importance of maintaining personal approach and avoiding complete robotization is also stressed. The authors argue that digital competence is a condition for professional success and includes information and media literacy, communication and collaboration, digital content creation, digital security, problem-solving, and continuous self-improvement. </em></p> Olha Fedorchuk, Oleh Sukhovirskyi Copyright (c) 2024 Pedagogical Discourse Tue, 26 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0200