The Organization and Control of Teacherʼs Self-Educational Activities (on the Basis of V.O. Sukhomlynskyiʼs Pedagogical Heritage

  • Svitlana Gergul Chernihiv T. H. Shevchenko National Pedagogical University
Keywords: pedagogical heritage of V. О. Sukhomlinskyi, self-education, self-educational activities, teacher


On the basis of the archival, historical and pedagogical sources and little-known works the author of the article has carried out the holistic analysis of the problem of teacher’s self-education activity described in V. O. Sukhomlynskyi’s pedagogical heritage. The definition of self-education is given, the aim of teacher’s self-education activity is defined, its arrangement and checking for fulfillment are studied. The following stages of arrangement of teacher’s self-education activity are identified: preparatory (understanding and realizing of the necessity of self-education activity, deciding upon a theme of self-education, defining the purpose and matter of self-education, self-education work planning, deciding upon the research and educational sources which will be used by a teacher); practical (processing and deep study of the psychoeducational and methodical literature on the chosen problem of self-education, accumulation of pedagogical facts such as selection, study, research and analysis, implementation of new working methods into teacher’s practical activity, experiment); final (summing up of observations and acquired knowledge, drawing up of the results of teacher’s self-education activity).

The following kinds of checking for fulfillment of teacher’s self-education activity are singled out and described: preliminary (it was carried out before the beginning of the school year in the form of individual conversation between a school head and a teacher about the main content of self-education and teacher’s individual self-education plan was to be checked); current (it was carried out in two directions: visiting lessons and out-of-school activities with pupils; periodic checking for the fulfillment of teacher’s individual self-education plan); final (it was carried out at the end of the school year).


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Author Biography

Svitlana Gergul, Chernihiv T. H. Shevchenko National Pedagogical University

assistant professor of the department of pedagogy and methods of teaching of foreign languages, deputy dean on upbringing work of philological faculty of Chernihiv T. H. Shevchenko National Pedagogical University, candidate of pedagogics, assistant professor


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How to Cite
Gergul, S. (2015). The Organization and Control of Teacherʼs Self-Educational Activities (on the Basis of V.O. Sukhomlynskyiʼs Pedagogical Heritage. Pedagogical Discourse, (19), 44-48. Retrieved from