Training of the Health Promotion Basis of Junior Teenagers in The Extracurricular Activity System

  • Hennadii Kovalchuk Kamianets-Podilskyi Ivan Ohiienko National University
Keywords: health promotion, physical education, extracurricular activity, health saving, health strengthening, physical health-improvement job, pernicious habit, forms of education, playing activity


The paper makes an attempt to discover the process of training of health promotion basis of junior teenagers in the extracurricular activity system. The various forms and methods of the off-time job that are directed to the health saving and strengthening are based on the author` s investigation on the assumption of the development peculiarities of schoolchildren of the given age period and theirs needs in self-knowledge, self-education and self-assertion. The special attention is paid to the usage of active methods that are directed to the formation of positive motivation of teenagers, the realization of activity significance, the equipment with a system of knowledge, skills and abilities of health improvement, necessity of control realization and corrective actions to own lifestyle.


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Author Biography

Hennadii Kovalchuk, Kamianets-Podilskyi Ivan Ohiienko National University

senior teacher of the department of theory and technique of physical education and human health, Candidate of pedagogics


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How to Cite
Kovalchuk, H. (2014). Training of the Health Promotion Basis of Junior Teenagers in The Extracurricular Activity System. Pedagogical Discourse, (16), 75-80. Retrieved from