Aspect of Early Aesthetical Development in the Pedagogical Systems of F. Fröbel and M.Montessori

  • Viltor Ragozina Institute for Problems of Education of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine
Keywords: aesthetic development, child of early age, pedagogical system of F. Fröbel, pedagogical system of M.Montessori


Conceptual approaches and technologies of foreign teachers are considered in the context of aesthetic development of child of early age. The comparative analysis of pedagogical principles and features of didactic methods of Fröbel and Montessori is produced with an accent on education of perceptible sphere of child, necessity of the early beginning of teaching, on basis of which of emotions and senses are formed, education in preschool establishments and distinctions and distinctions which consist in creation of the special materials for teaching and author methods and by their realization in the different types of preschool establishments – child's gardens of Fröbel and houses of child of Montessori.


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Author Biography

Viltor Ragozina, Institute for Problems of Education of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine

Leading Researcher, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Senior Researcher


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How to Cite
Ragozina, V. (2013). Aspect of Early Aesthetical Development in the Pedagogical Systems of F. Fröbel and M.Montessori. Pedagogical Discourse, (14), 376-381. Retrieved from