Classification of a Pedagogical Personality Historiography Sources

  • Lyudmyla Golubnicha National University "Yaroslav Mudryi Law Academy of Ukraine"
Keywords: classification, type of sources, sort of sources, kind of sources, pedagogical historiography, pedagogical and historiography source, pedagogical personality


The article deals with the stage of Ukrainian pedagogical historiography development. The idea of the latter hase been represented. Peculiarities of conditional classification of pedagogical and historiography sources, which include the information about a pedagogical personality have been researched. The pedagogical historiography sources have been defined.Considerable attention is paid to the characteristics of the types, the sorts and the kinds of pedagogical and historiography sources, which have  the information about a pedagogical personality. Peculiar features of pedagogical historiography sources which are the foundation for a pedagogical personality research have been cleared up. Their importance for pedagogical historiographyhas been defined.


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Author Biography

Lyudmyla Golubnicha, National University "Yaroslav Mudryi Law Academy of Ukraine"

Associate Professor of Foreign Languages №3, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor


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How to Cite
Golubnicha, L. (2013). Classification of a Pedagogical Personality Historiography Sources. Pedagogical Discourse, (15), 162-167. Retrieved from