Spiritual Personʼs Development in the Pedagogical Thought of National Emigration (the 1920s-1950s): Historioghraphical Analysis

  • Maryna Kubrakova Lugansk State University of Internal Affairs named after E.Didorenko
Keywords: spirituality, spiritual personʼs development, emigration, historioghraphy


The article contains the historioghraphical review of the problem of spiritual personʼs development in the pedagogical thought of national emigration (the 1920s-1950s).The historioghraphical analysis of the problem of spiritual personʼs development in the pedagogical thought of national emigration (the 1920s-1950s)gives ground for identification of two stages: the first one is from 1919 to 1939, and the second – from 1945 to nowadays. The first stage is characterized by some different researches, which concerned the certain aspects of Ukrainian emigration, mainly, national, cultural and spiritual adaptation of Ukrainians abroad. And the second stage of studying the problem of spiritual personʼs development in the pedagogical thought of national emigration (the 1920s-1950s)has expanded both concerning its issues and the number of investigations. The article shows that the problem of study of spiritual personʼs development in the pedagogical thought had the following directions: spiritual, religious and unreligious ones.


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Author Biography

Maryna Kubrakova, Lugansk State University of Internal Affairs named after E.Didorenko

inspector of the department of planning of educational process of educational-methodical center, post-graduate student of the SE «Lugansk Taras Shevchenko National University»


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How to Cite
Kubrakova, M. (2013). Spiritual Personʼs Development in the Pedagogical Thought of National Emigration (the 1920s-1950s): Historioghraphical Analysis. Pedagogical Discourse, (15), 392-394. Retrieved from http://ojs.kgpa.km.ua/index.php/peddiscourse/article/view/738