Pedagogical Conditions of Optimization of Moral Education of Junior Schoolchildren by Means of Ethnopedagogics of Crimean-Tatar People

  • Zarema Asanova Republican Higher Education Institution "Crimean Engineering and Pedagogical University"
Keywords: moral education, national-psychological peculiarities, ethnopedagogics of Crimean- Tatar people, ethno-cultural environment


Pedagogical conditions of optimization of moral education of junior schoolchildren by means of ethnopedagogics of Crimean- Tatar people are revealed in the article.


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Author Biography

Zarema Asanova, Republican Higher Education Institution "Crimean Engineering and Pedagogical University"

teacher of the Department of Pedagogy


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Кукушин В. С. Этнопедагогика и этнопсихология / В. С. Кукушин, Л. Д. Столяренко. – Ростов-на-Дону : Феникс, 2000. – 448 с.

How to Cite
Asanova, Z. (2012). Pedagogical Conditions of Optimization of Moral Education of Junior Schoolchildren by Means of Ethnopedagogics of Crimean-Tatar People. Pedagogical Discourse, (11), 10-13. Retrieved from