Ideas of Moral and Patriotic Education in the Ukrainian Pedagogical Culture of XVI - XVII Centuries

  • Olena Hapchenko Khmelnytsky National University


The article deals with the research of the character and content of the process of education of personality in Ukrainian pedagogical culture of XVI - XVII centuries. Attention is accented on the fact that one of its main bases was forming of moral, spiritual man with the developed sense of love to the native land and respect to national spiritual heritage. The special importance education of personality had during the period of cultural and national revival of XVI - XVII centuries.


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Author Biography

Olena Hapchenko, Khmelnytsky National University
Lecturer at the Department of Philosophy and Political Science


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How to Cite
Hapchenko, O. (2012). Ideas of Moral and Patriotic Education in the Ukrainian Pedagogical Culture of XVI - XVII Centuries. Pedagogical Discourse, (11), 33-38. Retrieved from