Methodical Aspects of Preparation of the Future Educators of Preschool Educational Establishments

  • Nataliya Davkush Evpatoria Institute of Social Sciences, Crimean Humanities University, Republican Higher Educational Institution
Keywords: self-develobment, self-knowledge, self-perfection, preparation of the future educators of preschool educational establishments


Peculiarities of preparation of the future educators of preschool educational establishments to self-knowledge, self-develobment and self-perfection are examined in the article. The author offers the method of preparation of specialists of preschool type to self-knowledge, self-develobment and self-perfection. Examples of problem questions, directed to perfection of the mentioned functions of the future teachers are given.


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Author Biography

Nataliya Davkush, Evpatoria Institute of Social Sciences, Crimean Humanities University, Republican Higher Educational Institution

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Senior Lecturer in the Department of Methods of Primary and Preschool Education


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How to Cite
Davkush, N. (2011). Methodical Aspects of Preparation of the Future Educators of Preschool Educational Establishments. Pedagogical Discourse, (11), 61-64. Retrieved from