Characteristic of Levels of Forming of Ukrainian-Speaking Dialogue Competence of the Pupils of 10-11 Forms of General Schools

  • Maryna Hrudok-Kostiushko K.Ushinskiy South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University
Keywords: Ukrainian dialogue competence, criteria, indicators, internal and external factors


Characteristic of levels of forming of Ukrainian-speaking dialogue competence of the pupils of 10-11 forms of general schools is offered in the article, external and internal factors, influencing the effectiveness of forming of Ukrainian-speaking dialogue competence are presented.


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Author Biography

Maryna Hrudok-Kostiushko, K.Ushinskiy South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University

Senior Lecturer, Department of Educational Management and Civil Service


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How to Cite
Hrudok-Kostiushko, M. (2012). Characteristic of Levels of Forming of Ukrainian-Speaking Dialogue Competence of the Pupils of 10-11 Forms of General Schools. Pedagogical Discourse, (11), 52-56. Retrieved from