Thematic Portfolio in the Course of Teaching Ukrainian Language Teaching Methodology

  • Nataliya Hrona Dragomanov National Pedagogical University
Keywords: innovative activity, spelling literacy, thematic portfolio, future teacher of primary school


The author of the article arrests attemtion on the problem of quality of the professional training of teachers, shares the experience of using modern technologies in the process of teaching Ukrainian language teaching methodology. The author describes in details the technology of creation of thematic portfolio by the future teachers of primary school, particularly in spelling teaching methodology, because profound knowledge of the spelling material is a requirement of future specialist of primary school.


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Author Biography

Nataliya Hrona, Dragomanov National Pedagogical University

graduate student, teacher of the Prylutsk Humanitarian-Pedagogical College named after I. Franko


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How to Cite
Hrona, N. (2011). Thematic Portfolio in the Course of Teaching Ukrainian Language Teaching Methodology. Pedagogical Discourse, (11), 49-52. Retrieved from