Economic Specialties Students’ Motivation Towards Developing Intercultural Competence

  • Olena Zelikovs’ka National University of Environmental Sciences of Ukraine
Keywords: motivation, needs, intercultural competence


The article highlights the results of the research of the essence of the notions „motivation” and „needs”, different approaches to classification of the motives and mechanisms of influence on students’ cognitive activity. Factors which affect the development of positive motivation towards gaining intercultural competence have been identified.


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Author Biography

Olena Zelikovs’ka, National University of Environmental Sciences of Ukraine
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Senior Lecturer in English for Economics


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How to Cite
Zelikovs’ka, O. (2012). Economic Specialties Students’ Motivation Towards Developing Intercultural Competence. Pedagogical Discourse, (11), 98-101. Retrieved from