Formation of Motivation and Interest to the Study of English at the First Stage of Training

  • Adam Nazarchuk Khmelnytsky specialized secondary school №1
  • Tetyana Zhelikhivska Khmelnytsky specialized secondary school №1
Keywords: motivation, motive, formation, younger school age


The problem of motivation and interest to the study of English at the first stage of training is studied in the article. When teaching the motive is defined as the relation between the student and the whole complex of actions, in the result of which the competence of a certain level is being formed, the aspiration to be engaged of in a certain aspect of activity is woken up in the student


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Author Biographies

Adam Nazarchuk, Khmelnytsky specialized secondary school №1
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Deputy Director for Foreign Language
Tetyana Zhelikhivska, Khmelnytsky specialized secondary school №1
English teacher        


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How to Cite
Nazarchuk, A., & Zhelikhivska, T. (2012). Formation of Motivation and Interest to the Study of English at the First Stage of Training. Pedagogical Discourse, (11), 202-206. Retrieved from