Levels of Organizational-Pedagogical Conditions of Professional Self-Improvement of the Head of Out-Of-School Educational Establishment (by the Example of the Head of Children's Sports School)

  • Tetyana Kholostenko Khmelnytskyi Humanitarian-Pedagogical Academy
Keywords: head of children’s sports school, professional self-education, levels of organizational-pedagogical conditions


Scientific researches with the aim of identifying possible levels of organizational-pedagogical conditions of professional self-improvementof the head of out-of-school educational establishment (by the example of the head of childrens sports school) are analysed in the article. Four levels (state, municipal, inside school, personal) of organizational-pedagogical conditions, which influence the professional self-education of the head of childrens sports school are identified.


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Author Biography

Tetyana Kholostenko, Khmelnytskyi Humanitarian-Pedagogical Academy

postgaduate student, acting Deputy Head of the Department of Physical Culture and Sports of the Odessa City Council


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How to Cite
Kholostenko, T. (2012). Levels of Organizational-Pedagogical Conditions of Professional Self-Improvement of the Head of Out-Of-School Educational Establishment (by the Example of the Head of Children’s Sports School). Pedagogical Discourse, (11), 324-330. Retrieved from http://ojs.kgpa.km.ua/index.php/peddiscourse/article/view/902