B.N.Mityurova’s Role in Compiling Anthologies and Systematizing Source Base of History of Home Pedagogy

  • Yuliya Cherednyak Rivne State Humanities University
Keywords: history of pedagogy, source base, B.N.Mityurov, pedagogical heritage, reading book


This article analyses the role of B.N.Mityurova  in systematizing source base of the history of home pedagogy and in compiling reading books on historical pedagogy, such as: «Readings on the history of Soviet pedagogy» (1961) «The anthology of educational thought of Ancient Rus’ and the Russian state, XIV-XVII centuries. (1985), «The anthology of educational thought Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic» (1988). It has been found that materials prepared by Professor B.N.Mityurov in anthologies on history of pedagogy, helped to systematize and summarize documents, literary and educational works which were recommended in the course «History of Education». Boris Nikiforovich’s parts of the works of teachers, social workers, and  non popular authors were systematize. They are works of great value for the course and solves a number of problems in the history of pedagogy. It is proved that B.N.Mityurova’s contribution in systematization of information sources is great and helped to solve lots of   problems.


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Author Biography

Yuliya Cherednyak, Rivne State Humanities University

Postgraduate student, Senior Laboratory Assistant


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How to Cite
Cherednyak, Y. (2013). B.N.Mityurova’s Role in Compiling Anthologies and Systematizing Source Base of History of Home Pedagogy. Pedagogical Discourse, (15), 738-742. Retrieved from http://ojs.kgpa.km.ua/index.php/peddiscourse/article/view/951