Institutions of General Secondary Education as Subjects of Identification of Children who are in Difficult Life Circumstances
The article identifies the role and place of institutions of general secondary education in the mechanism of interaction of authorized entities in identifying children who are in difficult life circumstances, including children who have suffered from abuse, bullying and domestic violence. Practical recommendations for the improvement of local legal acts of institutions of secondary education on the issues of identification of children in difficult life circumstances have been developed.
It is found out that it is necessary to bring local legal acts of institutions of general secondary education in line with the legislation of Ukraine in the sphere of social protection of children in difficult life circumstances.
The following is proposed in institutions of general secondary education by the order of the head: to approve the instruction for employees of the educational institution on the mechanisms of identification and implementation of measures to support children who find themselves in difficult life circumstances; to approve the protocol on actions of participants of the educational process of educational institution in situations of violence; to provide in the job descriptions of pedagogical staff the responsibilities for identifying, responding in a timely manner and informing the authorized subjects about the child getting into difficult life circumstances, abuse, domestic violence, bullying; to appoint an authorized person from among the employees who will take immediate measures in case of detection of facts of violence and / or receipt of statements / notifications from the victim / other persons; to approve the composition of the standing commission for consideration of cases of bullying It is proposed to provide in the nomenclature of cases of general secondary education a log of appeals and reports regarding children in difficult life circumstances, and a log of registration of facts of detection (appeal) of domestic violence and gender-based violence (of educational institution).
Deiaki pytannia reahuvannia na vypadky bulinhu (tskuvannia) ta zastosuvannia zakhodiv vykhovnoho vplyvu v zakladakh osvity [Some Issues of Responding to Cases of Bullying (Harassment) and the Use of Measures of Educational Influence in Educational Institutions]: Nakaz Ministerstva osvity i nauky Ukrainy 28.12.2019 № 646. (2019). Retrieved fromПорядок-реагування-на-випадки-булінгу.pdf. [in Ukrainian].
Deiaki pytannia sotsialnoho zakhystu ditei, yaki perebuvaiut u skladnykh zhyttievykh obstavynakh, u tomu chysli takykh, shcho mozhut zahrozhuvaty ikh zhyttiu ta zdoroviu [Some Issues of Social Protection of Children in Difficult Life Circumstances, Including Those That May Endanger Their Lives and Health]: Postanova Kabinetu Ministriv Ukrainy vid 03.10.2018 № 800. (2018). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
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Pro zabezpechennia sotsialnoho zakhystu ditei, iaki perebuvaiut u skladnykh zhyttievykh obstavynakh [About Providing Social Protection of Children Who are in Difficult Life Circumstances]: Postanova Kabinetu Ministriv Ukrainy vid 01.06.2020 № 585. (2020). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
Pro zatverdzhennia Instruktsii z dilovodstva u zakladakh zahalnoi serednoi osvity [About the Statement of the Instruction on Office Work in Establishments of General Secondary Education]: Nakaz Ministerstva osvity i nauky Ukrainy vid 25.06.2018 № 676. (2018). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
Pro zatverdzhennia Metodychnykh rekomendatsii shchodo vyiavlennia, reahuvannia na vypadky domashnoho nasylstva i vzaiemodii pedahohichnykh pratsivnykiv iz inshymy orhanamy ta sluzhbamy [About the Statement of Methodical Recommendations Concerning Detection, Reaction to Cases of Domestic Violence and Interaction of Pedagogical Workers with Other Bodies and Services]: Nakaz Ministerstva osvity i nauky Ukrainy vid 02 zhovtnia 2018 № 1047. (2018). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
Pro zatverdzhennia Poriadku vzaiemodii subiektiv, shcho zdiisniuiut zakhody u sferi zapobihannia ta protydii domashnomu nasylstvu i nasylstvu za oznakoiu stati [About the Statement of the Order of Interaction of the Subjects Which are Carrying out Actions in the Field of Prevention and Counteraction to Domestic Violence and Violence on the Basis of Sex]: Postanova Kabinetu Ministriv Ukrainy vid 22.08.2018 № 658. (2018). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
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