Prognostic Directions of Preparation of the Future Educators of Pre-School Educational Establishments to the Work with Deadapted Children (by the Results of Forming Experiment)

  • Larysa Zdanevych Khmelnytskyi Humanitarian-Pedagogical Academy
Keywords: educators of pre-school educational establishments, professional preparation, deadapted children, components of preparation


In the article by the results of forming experiment, which was conducted during 2009-2013, prognostic directions of preparation of the future educators of pre-school educational establishments to the work with deadapted children have been grounded. The author singles out components, which level of maturing indicates the quality of preparation of the future educators of pre-school educational establishments to the work with deadapted children, namely: motivation-valuable, (directed to the achievement, motivational conviction, presence of positive motivation to the study of adapted technologies of development, teaching and upbringing deadapted children), cognitive-technological (independence, professional competence and accuracy of fulfillment actions, knowledge of modern methods of diagnostics and technologies of development, teaching and upbringing deadapted children), information-communicative (awareness of the future educators of pre-school educational establishments of communicative activity, communicative readiness to the dialogue and inclination to communication, effectiveness of using adapted technologies of interaction with preschool children), and reflective-self-educational (necessity in mastering personal characteristics and professional qualities, ability to self-education and self-development, ability to reflexion, self-control and correction of the process and result of work with deadapted children).


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Author Biography

Larysa Zdanevych, Khmelnytskyi Humanitarian-Pedagogical Academy

head of the department of pre-school pedagogics, psychology and teaching techniques, Candidate of pedagogics, assistant professor


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How to Cite
Zdanevych, L. (2014). Prognostic Directions of Preparation of the Future Educators of Pre-School Educational Establishments to the Work with Deadapted Children (by the Results of Forming Experiment). Pedagogical Discourse, (16), 70-75. Retrieved from