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Author Guidelines

Look through these instructions for submitting an article to the collection of scientific papers "Pedagogical Discourse".

Requirements for writing and designing articles

In the collection of scientific papers "Pedagogical Discourse" we publish original (previously not published) articles of theoretical and (or) experimental nature on the actual problems of the theory of pedagogy, didactics, history of pedagogy, school education, teaching methods, education, development, professional orientation of students and students in institutions of education and out-of-school institutions, comparative pedagogy, social pedagogy, pedagogy of postgraduate education, continuing education, management of educational institutions, etc. The article should reveal a specific problem in the field of work, and contain scientific novelty and value (theoretical and (or) practical).

Requirements for articles:

Articles the results of which were at least partly disclosed in other author`s writings (theses, monographs, articles, manuals, etc.) are not accepted.

When formulating article titles, pay attention to the fact that they should be understood by foreign readers. It is advisable not to use abbreviations and formulas. The number of words in the title is 10-12. The title of the article should be informative, concise, and consistent with the scientific style of the text. Translating the title of an article into English cannot transliterate except for non-translatable names.

When writing and designing articles, you need to be guided by the following requirements (for example, see the article "Example of execution of the article"):

  1. Printed articles that correspond to the topics of the collection, which is displayed in the top left of the UDC, are accepted.
  2. Articles should be written in Ukrainian (English, Polish, Russian) in a scientific style and should not contain grammatical errors.
  3. The structure of an article should have the following elements:

Introduction (to reveal which problem the research is devoted to)

In the introduction, it is necessary to put the problem in a general form, to reveal its relevance to theory and practice.

Aim and tasks (to reveal what results the researcher wants to achieve)

The aim of the study involves disclosing the nature of the subject study. At the same time, from the research aim it should be clear what is being investigated and how the result is achieved. The task of the study is a set of results that need to be obtained in the study process. The research tasks should be directed to generalization of the data on the subject study, the conditions and results of the study.

Methods (to reveal how the problem has been studying)

Research methods should be chosen in accordance with a specific scientific problem. Employment of research methods which are not related to the chosen problem is not admitted. In this rubric the essence, measurement units, qualitative and quantitative indices of the researched phenomenon, which are received by means of identified research methods must be described. In this rubric organization and research stages both qualitative and quantitative data characteristics should be given. If the article is devoted to the theoretical research, then the chapter “Methods” is changed for the chapter “Theoretical basis”.

Results (to reveal which main research results have been received).

This article chapter must have an exposition of the main research material with fully grounds of received scientific results and also analysis of both recent researches and published works in which the solution of this problem has been started and which the author has referred to must be done; singling out of before unsolved items of the general problem to which the article is devoted.

Simple mentioning of researchers’ surnames who have been engaged in the problem solution is not admitted. Presentation of quantitative research results (texts, tables and pictures) must add and not repeat each other.

Discussion (to reveal what the received results mean)

After the tasks have been completed the parallels between the other researches’ results, who have been engaged in the researched problem should be done. Both the difference between the received data of yours in comparison with other scientists’ ones and why the particular results have been received should be indicated. Reference to other scientists’ works is compulsory.

Conclusions (to reveal which in particular new scientific results have been received and show the researches perspectives).

Conclusions must be well-founded and corresponding to the aim and researches tasks which have been put. It is forbidden to publish data, principles, statements which have not been revealed in the content of the particular article.

Gratitude (if any)

In case there are some colleagues who helped in the research organization and who expressed their critical remarks dealing with the article content and also if the research has been done with the financial support of organizations, funds etc. (grants, scholarship etc.) then the author(s) of the article can thank them officially but in person’s previous coordination.

An article should have the list of resources and literature arranged according to APA Publication Mannual 6th Edition (2009); annotations and key words (in the language of the article after the heading – 800-1000 signs and then in the English language after the annotation and key words in the language of the article – 1800-2000 signs (if the article is in the English language then firstly the annotation and key words in the Ukrainian language are given – 800-1000 signs and then the annotation and key words in the English language 1800-2000 signs)) (words markers to annotations see in appendix 1).

In annotations the topicality of the researched problem, the aim, methods, received main results (data) should be revealed. Annotation shouldn’t have general words, phrases; it shouldn’t duplicate the annotation in Ukrainian language; it should reflect both the main results content and the article structure. Key words are used by data bases for finding the articles so they must reflect scientific discipline, theme, aim and subject of the research.

Key words are independent element of the scientific research and that is why must have their own significance. The computer translation of annotations, key words, article headings and also resources in transliterated list of resources and literature is not admitted. The authors’ names and surnames of the publication are transliterated, the article names are translated.

Only the references having been used in the article are included in the list of resources and literature. All the resources in the text must be referred accordingly. To prevent the self plagiarism the author’s(s’) can quote their own previous works dealing with the researched problem. The rules of self quoting are the same to those of quoting the other authors.

  1. The author of the article is responsible for correctness and reliability of the submitted material, for the exact citation of sources and literature and references to them.
  2. All articles are submitted through the Open Journal System platform - http://ojs.kgpa.km.ua/index.php/peddiscourse/about/submissions.
  3. Parameters of the document: sheet format - A4 (book orientation), fields - upper, lower, right, left - 2 cm, font - Times New Roman, Cyr, size 14, normal style, no hyphens and tabs, intervals - line spacing - one and a half, the indent of the first line is 1.25 cm, the alignment of the paragraphs is in width.
  4. All text should be typed in the font of the same type and size in one column. Use of inserts and hyperlinks is not allowed. You can select characters (text fragments) in italics and (or) in bold. It is advisable to avoid typing in uppercase letters (where possible). When typing, you must follow the rules of the computer typing, in particular, you need to use the angular (« ») (French) quotation marks, round brackets ( ), distinguish the dash (–) and the hyphen (-) (the dash is separated from both sides by spaces and is bigger the length of the hyphen), use the apostrophe (’). Pages are not numbered.
  5. Illustrations (drawings, tables, formulas, graphs, diagrams) are printed in the 10pt font, placed in the center, the constituent parts of them are grouped into one object. Signatures and references to them in the text are mandatory. The total number of illustrations should not exceed ten (all of them are included in the total article size).
  6. Bibliography in the article should include at least 5 sources, drawn up in accordance with the established procedure. References to sources and literature are indicated as follows: (Halus O., 2009). If the author uses links to several sources, then this is stated as follows: (Halus O., 2009; Shorobura I., 2010). The bibliography is in alphabetical order. Articles without bibliography will not be considered by the editorial board. Be sure to transliteration of the list of sources used at the end of the article (see transliteration rules in appendix 2). The transliterated list of literature is a complete analogue of the list of sources and literature used and is performed on the basis of transliteration of the original Latin language. Links to English-language literature are not transliterated. If you are using links to electronic sources (URL), please update them before submitting the article. APA style does not use "Issue", "Issue", "№" or related terms. Digital signage is required, highlighting it in italics. You must use «с.» and «С.» to indicate the page numbers when a portion of the newspaper publication or part of the book is quoted. They need to be skipped when a journal article is quoted. Use examples of the list of used sources and literature, as well as examples of the transliterated list, which are given in appendix 3.
  7. The length of the article should be within the limits of 10-25 pages, which correspond to items 1-9. Requirements for writing and drawing of articles (without abstracts, list of used sources and literature, and also transliterated list).
  8. Materials are arranged in the following order:

1) the UDC index;

2) initials and surname of the author(s) (in Ukrainian and English) (note: the author's names(s) are the first ones that have made the most contribution to the writing of the article).

3) scientific degree, academic rank, position (in Ukrainian and English);

4) place of work: the name of the country, the name of the institution, the settlement (in Ukrainian and English) (note: affiliation should be in English as indicated in the constituent documents (or on the official website in English) of the organization, institution of the author); it is not recommended to use the abbreviations in the name and prefixes that determine the status of the organization (for example, the State Higher Educational Institution, Public Utilities, etc.), all components of affiliation must be submitted through a comma; names included in the names organizations, institutions, usually written before the name of the organization, not after. Moreover, it is not desirable to specify the «named after»);

5) the number of the author (s) ORCID ID;

6) the title of the article in the original language and in English (printed in lower case letters from the first one);

7) abstracts to the article and keywords as specified in paragraph 3;

8) the text of the article (with the observance of all the above requirements);

9) list of sources and literature used, transliterated list (references).

Articles drawn up in violation of the above requirements will not be accepted for consideration.


Submission of manuscripts of articles to the collection of scientific papers "Pedagogical Discourse" and their review is free.  Payment is made only for the publication of the collection in the amount of 65 UAH for a page made in accordance with the above requirements (the cost of the publication covers the costs associated with the printing services of the publishing house, the layout and proofreading of the text, the placement of the electronic version of the collection on the official website). According to the previous demands to the limits of the article, the publishing fees is amount from 650 UAH to 1625 UAH.

Payment is made only after the decision of the editorial board on the publication of the manuscript of the article and after notification to the author / authors.


e-mail: kgpa_nauka@ukr.net

tel: (0382) 79-59-45

Contact person: Kryshchuk Bohdan Stepanovych


Appendix 1. Word markers for annotations

Appendix 2. Rules of transliteration of the list of used sources

Appendix 3. Samples of the list of used sources and literature presentation /transliteration

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