Professional Training of the Future Economics Teachers on the Basis of Group Interaction

  • Oksana Sarkisova State higher educational establishment «Kyiv National Vadym Hetman Economic University»
Keywords: professional training of future economics teachers, social interaction, group interaction


In the article the necessity of group interaction in professional training of the future economics teachers is substantiated and the state of the professional training of the future economics teachers in a non-pedagogical university of economics is analysed. The importance of the formation and development of social qualities both of the future economics teachers and of the future specialists in the area of economics is demonstrated. The features of the professional training of the future economics teachers in a non-pedagogical institution of higher education are highlighted. The features of the professional training of the future economics teachers in the classical pedagogical universities are considered. The attention is concentrated on the necessity of training of the future teacher for the organization of interaction of different levels. It is recommended to organize group interaction between the participants of the educational process to raise the effectiveness of the professional training of the future economics teachers.


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Author Biography

Oksana Sarkisova, State higher educational establishment «Kyiv National Vadym Hetman Economic University»

assistant professor of the department of pedagogics and psychology, candidate of pedagogics


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How to Cite
Sarkisova, O. (2015). Professional Training of the Future Economics Teachers on the Basis of Group Interaction. Pedagogical Discourse, (18), 181-184. Retrieved from