Activation of Learning Ethnology by Facilities of Ukrainian Literature

  • Olesya Bartashuk Khmelnytskyi Humanitarian-Pedagogical Academy
Keywords: ethnology, Ukrainian literature, intersubject connections, professional, ethnocultural and policultural competence


The possibilities of the use of intersubject connections at the studying of ethnology in the system of professional preparation of philologists-Ukrainians are analysed in the article. In particular, the attention is concentrated on illumination of theoretical and practical aspects of activation of studying of separate themes from the ethnology of Ukraine at the use of artistic compositions from the course of Ukrainian literature. The importance of intersubject connections of ethnology and Ukrainian literature in forming ethnocultural, policultural and professional competence of personality of the future Ukrainian philologist is grounded.


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Author Biography

Olesya Bartashuk, Khmelnytskyi Humanitarian-Pedagogical Academy

Associate Professor of the Department of Ukrainian Language and Literature, Candidate of Historical Sciences


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How to Cite
Bartashuk, O. (2013). Activation of Learning Ethnology by Facilities of Ukrainian Literature. Pedagogical Discourse, (14), 48-52. Retrieved from