Integrative Approach to the Professional Preparation of the Future Economists- International Affairs Experts

  • Larysa Maksymchuk Khmelnytskyi Humanitarian-Pedagogical Academy
Keywords: integrative approach, professional training, economists- international affairs experts


The article explores the essence of integrative approach to training future international economists. The possibilities of improving the curriculum of humanities toward their professional area. Presented algorithm design classes for professional-oriented education of future professionals of foreign sphere. Examples of the use of interactive technologies in the study of psychological and educational courses to form important professional qualities of future international economists.


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Author Biography

Larysa Maksymchuk, Khmelnytskyi Humanitarian-Pedagogical Academy

Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Philology, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences


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How to Cite
Maksymchuk, L. (2013). Integrative Approach to the Professional Preparation of the Future Economists- International Affairs Experts. Pedagogical Discourse, (14), 294-298. Retrieved from