Theoretical Model of Management Professional Self-Perfection of the Head of a Sport School

  • Tetiana Kholostenko Khmelnytskyi Humanitarian-Pedagogical Academy
Keywords: model, professional self- perfection, leader, out-of school educational establishment, children's and youth sports school


In the article the theoretical model of the management of professional self-improvement leader-school education (childrens sports school), which consists of content-, scientific and administrative aspects of design practice is given. Content aspect is the essence of meaningful management of professional self-improvement leader-school education (childrens sports school), formed at the state, municipal, intra-school and personal levels. Scientific and administrative aspects is the object and the subject of scientific and theoretical foundations acmeological concept and principles of professional self-head-school education (childrens sports school). Design and practical aspect it is practical achievements that are embedded on the basis of methods and - acmeological center: program, strategy and sub-model of professional self-perfection.


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Author Biography

Tetiana Kholostenko, Khmelnytskyi Humanitarian-Pedagogical Academy

applicant, chief specialist of the Department of Physical Culture and Sport of the Odessa City Council


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How to Cite
Kholostenko, T. (2018). Theoretical Model of Management Professional Self-Perfection of the Head of a Sport School. Pedagogical Discourse, (14), 436-440. Retrieved from