The Main Sources of Research on Ethnopedagogics of Crimean Tatars

  • Zarema Asanova Republican Higher Educational Institution "Crimean Engineering and Pedagogical University"
Keywords: sources of research, pedagogy of the Crimean Tatar people


The article identifies the main sources of research on ethnopedagogics of Crimean Tatar people. The author picks out the source-books such as: 1 ) scientific work of ethnopedagogics of Crimean Tatars, 2) the collections of the Crimean Tatar folklore, 3) works of ancient writers and thinkers, scientists and lexicographer of the East, religious thinkers of the Muslim world and the Muslim holy book – the Koran, 4) literary works of the Crimean Tatar poets and writers, 5) research notes government officials, anthropologists, travelers, historians, linguists and cultural studies on the culture of the Crimean Tatars, 6) the works of the classical teachers of popular education, 7) modern ethnopedagogical, educational and psychological research.


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Author Biography

Zarema Asanova, Republican Higher Educational Institution "Crimean Engineering and Pedagogical University"

Teacher of the Department of Pedagogy, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences


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Абибуллаева Э. Э. Дидактическая система И. Гаспринского : дис. … канд. пед. наук : 13.00.01 / Абибуллаева Энисе Эдемовна. – К., 2004. – 206 с.

Мурад Аджи. Кипчаки, огузы. Средневековая история тюрков и Великой степи / Мурад Аджи. – М. : ОАО Типография Новости, 2001. – 216 с.

Возгрин В. Е. Исторические судьбы крымских татар / Валерий Евгеньевич Возгрин. – М. : Мысль, 1992. – 446 с.

Крымскотатарская литература : сб. произведений фольклора и литературы VIII-XX вв. / [сост. Л. С. Юнусова]. – Симферополь : Доля, 2002. – 344 с.

How to Cite
Asanova, Z. (2013). The Main Sources of Research on Ethnopedagogics of Crimean Tatars. Pedagogical Discourse, (15), 21-26. Retrieved from