Cross-Disciplinary Integration of the Content of Education at Primary School (Analysis of Materials of Magazines «Radianska Shkola» and «Pochatkova Shkola» (Second Half of 1960-s – 1990-s)

  • Inna Bolshakova Institute of In-Service Training of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University
Keywords: primary school, pedagogical magazine, cross-disciplinary integration, cross-curricular connections, integration lesson, integration course


The integral retrospective analysis of publications of magazines « Radyanska shkola» and « Pochatkova school» (second half of 1960-s1990-s) is carried out in the article.Tendencies and specific of development of cross-disciplinary integration of maintenance of teaching are considered at primary school in a marked period on the basis of quantitative, thematic and genre analysis of the published materials. Certainly, that in a crisis period of becoming of the state system of Ukraine in 1990-s the increase of interest of research workers and teachers to the study of processes of integration in primary education takes place. There is a tendency of expansion of the concept field from the use of the concept cross-disciplinary connections in publications of the second half of 1960-s – 1980-s to the use  in 1990-s the concepts: integration lesson, integration content, integration course, integration textbook.


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Author Biography

Inna Bolshakova, Institute of In-Service Training of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University

post-graduate student, methodologist of the scientific-methodical center of preschool and elementary education of the department of methodology and psychology of preschool and elementary education


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How to Cite
Bolshakova, I. (2013). Cross-Disciplinary Integration of the Content of Education at Primary School (Analysis of Materials of Magazines «Radianska Shkola» and «Pochatkova Shkola» (Second Half of 1960-s – 1990-s). Pedagogical Discourse, (15), 75-80. Retrieved from