Source-based Research of Educational Issues of the EuropeanRenaissanceEpoch: Peculiarities, Approaches, Methods of the Investigating Process

  • Borys God Poltava National Pedagogical University named after V.Korolenko
Keywords: humanism, humanities, childhood, historical and pedagogical research, culture, interdisciplinary approach, education, epoch of the European Renaissance


The article deals with the issue of the source based background role and place of any historical and pedagogical research. The author shares his own experience on the topic «Education and upbringingin the epoch of the European Renaissance.» It is confirmed that it is necessary to involve not only the work of leadings theorists of pedagogy, but also a wide variety of sources by nature (written and physical) for a authentic picture of the problem. All these basic points reflect the mentality of the time, its culture , national traditions of education and upbringing, beliefs and so on. The need for an interdisciplinary approach to historical and educational science is emphasized. Interesting and unusual considerations are made on how to work with sources. They are seen as a dialogue between the two cultures of teaching ,which requires imagination, empathy, «lead-in» in the appropriate historical and educational situation.


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Author Biography

Borys God, Poltava National Pedagogical University named after V.Korolenko

Vice-rector for scientific and pedagogical research, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor


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How to Cite
God, B. (2013). Source-based Research of Educational Issues of the EuropeanRenaissanceEpoch: Peculiarities, Approaches, Methods of the Investigating Process. Pedagogical Discourse, (15), 156-161. Retrieved from