Periodical Professional Publications as the Basis of Historical and Pedagogical Researches of Problem of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education Development in Ukraine

  • Vitaliya Prymakova Kherson Academy of Continuing Education Municipal Higher Education Institution
Keywords: periodical professional publications, literature basis of researches, postgraduate education, primary school teachers, history of development


The article is devoted to the analysis of influence of periodical professional publications study on the objectivity and authenticity of historical and pedagogical researches, particularly  the problem of the development of postgraduate education of primary school  teachers in Ukraine (period from the second half of the ХХ-th century till nowadays). The contemporary state of the given  problem, content and character of pedagogical periodicals publications in the defined period has been  analysed; the  role of primary schools teachers  in the professional development has been determined; principles and criteria of such analysis have been specified; groups of sources in native professional periodical press of Soviet and post Soviet periods in  education development in Ukrainian society have been characterized.


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Author Biography

Vitaliya Prymakova, Kherson Academy of Continuing Education Municipal Higher Education Institution

doctoral student of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology, candidate of pedagogical sciences


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How to Cite
Prymakova, V. (2013). Periodical Professional Publications as the Basis of Historical and Pedagogical Researches of Problem of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education Development in Ukraine. Pedagogical Discourse, (15), 578-582. Retrieved from