Evolution of Scientific Methods of Content of Preschool Education: from the Times of the Soviet Union to the Independent Ukraine

  • Nadiya Frolenkova SHEE «Vasyl Stefanyk National Precarpathian University»
Keywords: content of preschool education, scientific and methodological support, educational program


The article deals with the development and establishment of scientific methods of content preschool education from the Soviet Union to an independent Ukraine. The emphasis is on the results of historical and pedagogical analysis of the theory and practice of preschool education. Initial attempts to grasp the origins of software maintenance preschool education since the first decades of the twentieth century are analyzed. They presented in the first theoretical works of the organizers of preschool education in Ukraine. Characteristic to progressive ideas of known domestic educators and social leaders as for development of  methodological support of the content  of preschool education is given.


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Author Biography

Nadiya Frolenkova, SHEE «Vasyl Stefanyk National Precarpathian University»

graduate student


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How to Cite
Frolenkova, N. (2013). Evolution of Scientific Methods of Content of Preschool Education: from the Times of the Soviet Union to the Independent Ukraine. Pedagogical Discourse, (14), 431-435. Retrieved from https://ojs.kgpa.km.ua/index.php/peddiscourse/article/view/517